
Additions and updates to Komiser or the Tailwarden platform
Tailwarden v2.0.17
Oct 31, 2023

Tailwarden v2.0.17

Tailwarden v2.0.17

New features

  • Upgraded Cost Explorer Widget: Understanding and managing your AWS and GCP costs just got easier! We've upgraded our Cost Explorer widget to include a comprehensive table right below the chart.


  • Increased Chart Height: For those times when you're analyzing costs over more extended periods, we've given more vertical space to the chart. This means easier reading and understanding of the data points, no matter how big the selected date range is.
Tailwarden v2.0.16
Oct 10, 2023

Tailwarden v2.0.16

Tailwarden v2.0.16

New features

  • Icon Support for Custom Views: Now, you can assign icons to your custom views. This will help in easily distinguishing them at a glance. Remember, custom views are your go-to place for creating dynamic lists of cloud resources based on specific filters.


  • Sorted Tags Audit Digest: To make your audit tasks smoother, the content in the tags audit digest is now sorted by resource coverage.
  • Persistent Sidebar State for Custom Views: Your preference matters! Whether you like your custom views sidebar open or closed, Tailwarden will remember your choice.
  • Simplified Filter Flow: Setting up values in the filter field is now more intuitive and faster.

Bug fixes

  • We've addressed an issue that previously displayed incorrect datapoints on the resource cost evolution chart.